
Lulu Faces Loss and Finds Encouragement: Children’s Book Spotlight and Giveaway

You know how much I love adding new resources to support children coping with life’s challenges. I’m so excited to introduce a newly published children’s book, Lulu Faces Loss and Finds Encouragement, written and illustrated by Danica Thurber. This book is a great tool for caregivers, child life specialists, and therapists helping children understand and cope with terminal illness and loss. 

Guest Blogger, Danica Thurber

Eight-year-old Lulu loves her Grandma. But after getting sick with cancer, Grandma can’t go outside and play with Lulu. She has to stay in bed. 

Soon, Grandma gets very weak and loses her hair. Lulu and mom visit Grandma every day they can. In school, Lulu learns how “encouragement” can help people find hope and gain strength. She begins to make and find small “gifts of encouragement” to help Grandma smile. 

Little did she know that Lulu, mom, and grandpa would all need to encourage each other once Grandma was gone.

Helping Children Cope

Give children a way to creatively express their thoughts and emotions about death and grief.

Follow along with Lulu as she navigates her first major loss, and then walks through the first few months of grief, finding support and encouragement along the way. 

Based on the author’s own experience of childhood loss, parents and caretakers will find this book a great support in engaging children in difficult conversations about cancer, hospice, death, and grief.

Best for: Grades K-3

BONUS material inside: instructions for a CRAFT PROJECT just like Lulu makes in the book!

Purchase your paperback or a digital copy on Amazon today.

Learn more at ProjectGrief.org and follow on Instagram and Facebook.

Author Bio

Danica Thurber is an artist, children’s book author, and certified Therapeutic Art Life Coach. At the age of 12, she began to use art as a mode of therapeutic self-expression, following the sudden death of her father. Danica and her husband live in beautiful Boise, ID. They share a love for art, a passion to help people, and a deep adoration for Midnight, their little black cat. “Lulu Learns Encouragement: A Gift to Share In Times of Loss” is her first published children’s book.


“This beautifully, uncomplicated, and simply stated book is beyond precious in every way. As a mom who has lost a child, explaining grief and ways to help my other young son was a difficult process but this book explains how to encourage those who are grieving in a wonderful way. It truly is a sweet and loving sentiment from any adult to any child. It completely resonates with my life and it will be a permanent addition to our bookshelf!”  

– Vee Anstey

As a teacher, I would certainly add this book to a classroom set for elementary students! Featuring a diverse cast of characters and with a focus on empathy for other people, the story is perfectly set up as a read-aloud, age-appropriate discussion, and includes a practical follow-up activity that empowers kids to take initiative and reach out to others around them who are experiencing illness or loss. 

– Lane (School teacher)

We will be giving away a copy of Lulu Faces Loss and Finds Encouragement to one lucky winner.

Choose one or more ways to enter:

  1. Sign up for email notifications at ChildLifeMommy.com and leave a comment below.
  2. Facebook: Follow Child Life Mommy and tag a friend.
  3. Instagram: Follow @ChildLifeMommy and @ProjectGriefArt tag two friends in the post.
  4. Twitter: Follow, Like, and RT the post to @ChildLifeMommy.

Good luck, the winner will be chosen by 11/16/20.

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