5 Reasons to Teach Your Kids About Art


5 Reasons to Teach Your Kids About Art.jpg

Guest Blogger, Lizzie Weakley

Art can create a world that exists only in the confines of one’s heart. It gives young people the chance to fall in love with something that will reside with them for a lifetime. Art is not only successful as a form of entertainment but as a workshop to channel the intuitive mind. Some people shun intuitive thought, but the beauty in teaching children about the breadth and potential of art is priceless. Below are just a few reasons you should teach your kids about art.

1. Expression

Effective art communicates ideas, feelings, and dreams for the future. Children are still developing and visual art can give them the tools they need to convey their thoughts without the use of words. Painting, drawing and making handcrafts can redirect negative energy into something positive. This is great for children struggling with frustration, sadness, and chaotic emotions.

2. Confidence

When a child creates, they’re bound to experience a swell of pride in their accomplishment. The influence of peers and media can make young people feel ostracized and weak, but art has the power to build an inner power. Whether you magnet a finger painting to your fridge or use a metallic frame from places like Kelly Gallery, supporting your child’s artistic pursuits is important.

3. Wisdom

Art is suffused with passion, making it a masterful instructor. Whether its music, film, literature, animation or video games, art has the power to teach in a way that’s unique and striking. Showing your children a wide breadth of art can help them become more knowledgeable of the world and different ideologies, which is vital to helping them forge their own opinions and sense of self.

4. Grace

From the elegant flit of a dancer’s limbs to the soft lines of a hand-drawn animation cell, the graceful presence within art has the power to calm and improve focus. If you have a child that is hyperactive or anxious, the silken tone of the music and charming images can help her feel centered and peaceful. Since artistic activities are often sedentary, they give kids a moment to understand the importance of quiet movement and thought.

5. Individuality

Society tends to foster the concept that certain people are superior to others based on their personality type, appearance, and other status symbols. Exposing children to art can help them develop a sensitivity to others and a genuine interest in kindness and honesty. It helps children understand the beauty of oddities, and allows them to embrace themselves so that they don’t have to build up ego of false pretense.

Regardless of age or gender, art is for everyone. There are many reasons to promote art appreciation in your household, but perhaps the biggest is that it will make you form a stronger bond with your kids. If you take the time to engage in art projects with young ones, you’ll be creating memories that will last indefinitely.

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